This, after long, obsessive hours searching the internet & eBay, is based on at least two pairs of shoes which look nearly identical but aren't.
The picture I've attached to this post, I found on eBay after buying a pair of Crown Vintage shoes for $21 @ DSW on sale which look just like them.
Hmmm... I emailed DSW & they said they don't keep track of what they sell & asked if I'd googled it. I had. All I found were other stories of women in the same predicament.
I think Jeffrey Campbell may be making cheaper shoes in China ('made in China' is stamped on the shoes I bought) & not linking it to their name. DSW is perfect for this because they don't appear to care whose shoes they're selling anyway.
So, if you're wondering why you can't find Crown Vintage shoes anywhere, try eBay, then try Jeffrey Campbell (Nordstrom or smaller online stores like Lori's Shoes of Chicago, etc). The price is only marginally higher & the quality is better.
*For updates, read my newer posts.